Once again it’s been about two weeks since my last post and I’m writing this at almost 1 am when I should definitely be going to sleep. I could in theory do the whole 100 posts challenge like this, doing posts late at night after several days of not writing, but I don’t think that’s a good idea. Firstly, it would take me very long, but much more importantly, I think (1) it’s probably not very sustainable, (2) it doesn’t feel good and (3) betrays the goals of the challenge.

I don’t want to muddle through this project feeling slightly guilty that I haven’t written in a while and writing mostly because I don’t want too much time to pass between posts. I want this to be an opportunity to experiment and to try and make a habit of writing (kind of) publicly.

The issue however, is that my life is a bit of a mess at the moment. I’ve been travelling a lot, and I still have a couple more trips planned in the short term. On top of that, I have my day job, life dramas and general socialising and adulting stuff. I feel like at the moment my life is too chaotic to try to get any stable writing plan, much less write every day as I originally intended. Maybe, I could write every day, write whatever is on my mind at the moment, but honestly that feels too daunting.

I think what I want to do is aim to write, at least, 1 post a week. That’s much less than 1 a day, and, given I still have 96 more posts to go, it means that the project could last $=96*7 days – almost two years. That’s waaay more than any of my estimates and sounds like a really long time, quite scary to be honest. I find it hard to believe that I will be able to keep my motivation for this challenge going for that long.

On the other hand, I think to some extent I’ve been impatient with the project until now, and the impatience and unrealistic expectations has made it hard to focus on what’s really important: writing the next post. Writing one post a week sounds too low when you think about how long it will take me to complete the challenge, but looking at my current posting rate I think it is an appropriately challenging goal. Plus, if it gets to Sunday night and I haven’t written a post yet, I can always go back to writing whatever is on my mind or has been on my mind for the last week or so.

So let’s do that. Let’s take this as this week’s post, and I will try to continue writing one weekly post from next Monday. I can always write more than that if I have extra time or more things to say, but I think one a week is a good minimum to focus on. You could say a weekly post is the MVP of having a blog. 100 posts is probably a much larger number than I’m imagining in my head, so I think the main take away here is that in order to complete the project I will need to be patient and accept that this will take time, so all I can do is focus on the current post.