Here’s some ideas for essays that, at some point, I’ve thought I might like to write.

The only filter here is that I have to be able to write one line about what I initially thought was interesting about them. You may also find a draft or some work in progress below if at some point I give any of them a try.

In the meantime, if you find any of these interesting, you’re welcome to come tell me about it on Twitter, and maybe if we chat about them I’ll figure out how to write about them.

  • yes-and as integration: yes-and as integration symptom but unclear guide
  • why do you like obsidian so much?: A review of Obsidian as an app, and some reflection on its philosophy and what it promises that makes it (and other tools for thought) so enticing.
  • what stuff?: Some introspection on what I mean when I say “I want to do stuff”. It’s not just fun, it’s productive but it doesn’t feel like work – what is it?
  • the economics of stupidly expensive stuff: I have no idea of how this works and I would like to find out
  • the centrist dilemma: Exploring the tension between “I admire the person in the middle” and “you can’t stay neutral on a moving train”
  • redefine loser: What does it mean to be a loser?
  • how to say you’re sorry: the difference between guilt and accountability
  • can ambition be about the journey?: Traditional ambition as a glorification of the destination - can ambition be about the journey?
  • a tale of three cities: I’ve been travelling a lot recently between three cities: London, Madrid and Barcelona, and I’ve had a few thoughts on how they compare, their contrasts, and what is a city’s vibe
  • Twitter’s shadow and AI: About the relationship between my project “Visualising Twitter’s Shadows” and LLMs
  • Gödel and Simulators: An essay about the relationship between LLMs and Gödel’s incompleteness theorems
  • Disney’s business problems and the fall of the MCU: I’ve heard a lot about these two topics from two very different types of people (business men and movie nerds) and I think there’s a relationship between them that no one is really talking about.
  • Cool kids v2: some introspection on what interests me about other people and makes me respect them
  • Beyond Miro: A constructive critical review of the app Miro
  • A year in Design Informatics: A reflection on my year studying Design Informatics in Edinburgh