This site aims to be my personal digital garden. As such, the content that you can find here can be in other statuses apart from “complete”. I like to publish content in the following statuses:

Seedlings 🌱

These are notes that I have barely started exploring. They are trailheads, signs pointing at ideas that I find interesting and that I would like to explore.

Ferns 🌿

Ferns are ideas that I’ve done some thinking on, but I’m still not sure what my thoughts are on them.

Evergreen 🌲

When a note has been developed to a point where I can consider it more or less complete and coherent, it will become evergreen.

Stones 🪨

Stones are similar to evergreen notes in that they can be considered complete, but unlike evergreen, stones are not meant to change at all.

Fruits 🥑

Fruits are not intended to grow or change either, and they can be considered complete as well. They are a crystallisation of my thoughts meant to be static in time.

46 items with this tag.