Found 64 total tags.


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I am writing 100 posts, with the goal to experiment with the long-form format and the habit of publishing my writing often.


1 item with this tag.


When a note has been developed to a point where I can consider it more or less complete and coherent, it will become evergreen. That doesn’t mean that it won’t change anymore, only that future changes are more likely to be small updates rather than a large refactoring.

You can learn more about note statuses here.


Ferns are ideas that I’ve done some thinking on, but I’m still not sure what my thoughts are on them. Often these will be more expanded on than seedlings, they will have more connections to other notes and they will have more original content, but they shouldn’t be taken fully seriously yet as I really haven’t tried to think about them thoroughly.

You can learn more about note statuses here.


Fruits are not intended to grow or change, and they can be considered complete. However, while stones are more likely to be references to external sources, fruits are outputs of my own thinking. They are a crystallisation of my thoughts meant to be static in time.

You can learn more about note statuses here.


These are notes that I have barely started exploring. They are trailheads, signs pointing at ideas that I find interesting and that I would like to explore.

You can learn more about note statuses here.


Stones are similar to evergreen notes in that they can be considered complete, but unlike evergreen, stones are not meant to change at all. These notes are usually used just for internal reference to dates, events and external resources like books.

You can learn more about note statuses here.


1 item with this tag.


1 item with this tag.


1 item with this tag.


1 item with this tag.